Discover our applications
for Shopify

Robust and functional apps developed and maintained in-house by our teams, who also provide support and customer assistance.


The power of an official application designed with the Colissimo technical teams, which allows you to benefit from the very latest developments. Simplify your life and that of your logistics by offering your customers all Colissimo delivery options and optimize your processing times.

All services Colissimo

Offer all Colissimo shipping services to your clients.Home deliveries without signature, home deliveries with signature, at pickup points, international deliveries.

Label generation

Generate your shipping and return labels at no extra cost, optimize your processing times!

Internationnal shipping

Ship internationally with the automatic customs document generator (CN23)

A multitude of features

With over 20 features, optimize your processes and offer your customers a unique shopping experience
A high-performing application and quality customer support.
Of active users
+  200 reviews
Supports treaties in less than an hour

Start your trial period now

And join the over 4,000 satisfied customers using our app

Encore au début de mon utilisation, je n'ai pas exploré l'ensemble des fonctionnalités. Mais jusqu'ici, tout crie "bien pensé" et "techniquement bon". Et j'avance sereinement en sachant que le service client est excellent de réactivité, une rareté dans le SAV tech aujourd'hui. Un plaisir.

Support ultra-réactif et tuto de qualité. N'étant pas développeur, j'arrive à comprendre et à régler les soucis sereinement. Un grand merci pour cette qualité de travail.

Application très fonctionnelle, facile à configurer et en constante évolution. En plus le support est super réactif et très sympathique. Je vous la recommande les yeux fermés !

Comparatif des forfaits

Le tarif de l'app dépend de votre plan Shopify

Shopify basic

Essai gratuit de 7 jours

Shopify advanced

Essai gratuit de 7 jours


Essai gratuit de 7 jours

Services d’expédition Colissimo
Livraison à domicile sans signature
Livraison à domicile avec signature
Livraison à domicile avec code bloquant
Livraison en point relais et relais Pick Up
Livraison Europe
Livraison Internationale hors EEE
Génération et édition d’étiquettes
Génération des étiquettes d’expéditions
Génération des étiquettes de retours
Génération d’étiquettes libre-service
Compatibilité avec toutes les étiqueteuses thermiques du marché
Compatibilité avec les imprimantes thermiques (ZEBRA, DATAMAX)
Impression en masse depuis une imprimante thermique
Expéditions internationals (Hors EEE)
Génération automatique des CN23
Modification de la nature de l’envoie CN23
Gestion des commandes
Modification des informations clients
Modification des adresses de livraisons
Modification des points relais
Modification du type d’expédition
Modification du poids de la commande
Modification du niveau d’assurance
Livraison partielle
Suivi des expéditions
Génération des liens de suivi
Envoie automatique du lien de suivi à vos clients
Page dédié dans l’application
Mise à jour des statuts de livraison
Intégration d’une page de suivi sur la boutique
Génération des bordereaux d'expédition
Génération et édition des bordereaux
Page dédiée dans l’application 
Intégration CheckOut UI
Sélection du point relais après paiement
Sélection du point relais avant paiement
Modification des points relais
Gestion autonome des retours par vos clients
Téléchargement de la facture client
Gestion des assurances
Gestion du niveau d’assurance
Automatisation de l’assurance en fonction d’un montant de commande
Gestion des retours
Possibilité de création d'une étiquette de retour pour chaque commande
Mise à disposition de l'étiquette retour dans l'espace client
Possibilité d’autoriser vos clients à générer une étiquette de retour
Envoie de l'étiquette de retour au client lors de sa génération
Mise à jour des statuts Shopify
Synchronisation du traitement de la commande
Synchronisation de la mise à jour du lien de suivi
Synchronisation du statuts de livraisons
Connexion Logisticien
Utilisation de sous compte
Connexion par API
Mise à disposition de métafields
Module de facturation
Générations de factures illimités et gratuites
Génération depuis la vue commande
Génération par le client depuis la page Merci
Génération par le client depuis la page de confirmation de commande
Générations dePremium 7/7j factures illimités et gratuites
Rdv visio d’accompagnement
Génération par le client depuis la page Merci
Génération par le client depuis la page de confirmation de commande

Comparison of packages

The app's rate depends on your plan Shopify


7-day free trial


7-day free trial


7-day free trial

Colissimo shipping services
Home delivery without a signature.
Home delivery with a signature
Home delivery with a blocking code
Delivery to a pickup point and Pick Up relay
Delivery Europe
International delivery outside the EEE
Livraison DomTOM
Generation and editing of labels
Generation of shipping labels
Generation of return labels
Self-service label generation
Compatibility with all thermal label printers on the market
Compatibility with thermal printers (ZEBRA, DATAMAX)
Mass printing from a thermal printer
International shipments (Hors EEE)
Automatic generation of CN23 forms
Modification of the nature of the CN23 shipment
Order management
Modification of customer information
Modification of delivery addresses
Modification of pickup points
Change of shipping method
Modification of the order weight
Modification of the insurance level
Partial delivery
Tracking of shipments
Generation of tracking links
Automatic sending of the tracking link to your customers
Dedicated page in the app
Update on delivery statuses
Integration of a tracking page on the store
Generation of shipping slips
Generation and editing of slips
Dedicated page in the app
Integration CheckOut UI
Selection of the pickup point after payment
Selection of the pickup point before payment
Modification of pickup points
Self-management of returns by your customers
Downloading the customer invoice
Insurance management
Management of the level of assurance
Automation of insurance based on an order amount
Return management
Possibility of creating a return label for each order
Availability of the return label in the customer area
Possibility to allow your customers to generate a return label
Send the return label to the customer upon its generation
Update of the statutes Shopify
Order processing synchronization
Synchronization of the update of the tracking link
Synchronization of delivery statuses
Logistics Connection
Use of sub-accounts
API connection
Provision of metafields
Billing module
Unlimited and free invoice generation
Generation from the command view
Generation by the client from the Thank You page
Generation by the customer from the order confirmation page
Premium 7/7j
Support video meeting

Frequently asked questions

Is a Colissimo contract necessary?

YES, to use the official Colissimo application, you must have a Colissimo Facilité or Privilège contract. When you sign the contract, you receive login credentials. These will need to be entered in the application to activate the Colissimo web services and link your account to your site.
You will find all the information by visiting the website can also contact Colissimo's sales service at 3634.

What do the different rates of the application correspond to?

The difference between the plans is related to the merchant's Shopify plan. The features remain the same (hors restriction technique vs Shopify PLUS).
The differences in pricing are explained by the variations in volumes operated by merchants according to their Shopify plan. The costs of hosting, the number of requests, the management volume of databases, the costs of evolutionary maintenance, the number of API calls, among others, explain this evolving pricing.

Why is the app paid?

Your Colissimo application offers you a comprehensive solution to automate your shipping processes. This pricing allows for the continuous functional development of the application, provides you with high-quality application service on a daily basis, and dedicated customer service seven days a week.Choose now for a profitability that has been proven many times compared to the hourly cost incurred if the processes were done manually.
1. Time saved: This allows you to gain valuable time to dedicate to other essential tasks. By avoiding these processes manually, optimize your productivity and focus on higher value-added tasks.
2. Error reduction: Human errors can be costly for a business. By using the Colissimo app, you minimize the risks of errors in order and shipping management. No more delays, customer dissatisfaction, and additional costs related to processing errors.
3. Hourly cost: No time or dedicated personnel to manage these tasks.Save on these labor costs, and contribute to the overall profitability of your business.

How can I contact customer service?

You can reach us 7 days a week through the help bubble accessible from all pages of the app.
80% of support requests are handled in less than an hour ;)
You also have the option to schedule a video appointment for support.


The Fastmag connector was designed to ensure data transfer between these two systems. Three principles of data exchange: importing data into Shopify, updating Shopify data, and exporting data from Shopify to Fastmag. The Fastmag application offers you a solution for your business in-store and online.The app features three views, allowing you to manage the synchronization between Fastmag and your online store.


Synchronize your physical stores and your e-commerce. The Fastmag connector for Shopify was designed to ensure the transfer of information between two distinct information systems.
  • Fastmag > Shopify (stocks / coupons / products / discounts / credits)
  • Shopify > Fastmag (orders / clients)

Data import

Fastmag > Shopify
Import your products, categories, assets, discounts, and gift cards.

Data updates

Shopify from Fastmag.
Update your inventory, products, assets, gift cards, and discounts.

Data export

Shopify > Fastmag
Export your orders and customer information.

Application fee

Forfait all inclusive

7-day free trial
The price includes VAT

Main features
Import data from Fastmag into Shopify
Data update Shopify from Fastmag
Export and update of data from Shopify to Fastmag
Control dashboard
Connection to the Shopify POS
 Support Premium

Contact us!

Our team will be delighted to answer all your
questions and discuss your projects.